Friday, June 4, 2010


Jaime getting his baseball trophy
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Sammie really like his Rexie toy story dinosaur he got for his birthday
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Jaime had tennis practice this week. His summer vacation is going to be busy!

Sammie's 2nd Birthday

Sammie really enjoying his pizza at his 2nd birthday party!

i just loved the little hats!

My baby Samuel turned 2yrs old May 27th. We had a little birthday party for him at gymnastics on the 23rd. He had a blast :) His theme was Toy Story. Him and Jaime both really like Toy Story and can't wait for Toy Story 3 to come out.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

pics from beach this weekend

Sammie having a blast on the beach at South Padre Island

boys on the beach

They guys caught some big RedFish

Sammie chillin' on the beach

May 2010

We took the boys to the beach last weekend. They really love the sand and ocean. There was major seaweed, i hope it's gone this weekend.

Today is Jaime's last baseball game of the season. I hope they win :)

Jaime is having swimming lessons this week and next week. He really likes swimming and swimming under water.

Sammie is turning 2yrs old this month. We're going to have his birthday at gymnastics. We're also going to take him on the pirate ship cruise at South Padre Island. I need to find him a pirate outfit to wear, and Jaime too.

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This is the picture I took of the boys on Easter.